
October Issue

 Game On!

October 13th marked the end of quarter one. Students got to send out the first quarter in style with a prep assembly and the annual staff vs students volleyball game. Students who bought a $1 ticket were taken to the gym during the last two hours of the day to watch the festivities. 

Before the volleyball game, the Pep Club hosted a balloon relay were students and teachers worked in teams to gather balloons from one side of the gym to the other side. There were six teams, three on each side of the gym, all racing to be the first to get all the balloons into their box. There was a lot of cheating creative participation by many of the teams that made it hard to determine which team came out as the winners. Results are still be contested. 

The staff had better luck with the volleyball game where they swept the students by winning all three games. The eighth grade volleyball players that played against the teachers did a very good job against the teacher and the scores were very close in many of the games. 


Book Fair arrives at CMS!

By: Maritxa Sanchez

During the month of October, Central Middle School was the host of the Scholastic Book Fair.  The fair is a yearly event and helps to raise money for the school's library and is always a favorite event among students. 

Ms. Kuch, Central Middle School's librarian hosts the fair each year and helps students navigate the many offerings. She says she hopes that each students get a book they didn't even know they wanted to get at the book fair. Ms. Kuch's favorite book from the book fair is Miss Quinces by Kat Farjado.

 The book fair helps the school because it gives students the opportunity to buy books but it also raises money for the school to buy more furniture and books for the library. While many students were able to get books as well as pens, highlighters, bookmarks, and other items, all students were seen enjoying the fair and seeing what new books were offered this year. 


Show some P.R.I.D.E. !

During the week of October 24-28, students were allowed to dress down each day for spirit week and to show the P.R.I.D.E traits.  
Monday: Show Perseverance with Workout Clothes
Tuesday: Twin with someone you Respect 
Wednesday: Wear one of these colors to show the PRIDE Traits 
      Purple- Perseverance
      Orange- Respect
      Black- Integrity
      Green- Determination
      Yellow - Engagement
Thursday: Show your Determination with college OR career wear

Friday: Be Engaged by wearing sports shirts 

(For these two, EVERYDAY is twin day. 
Especially this twin day which happened to be their Birthday!) 

Students of the Month

Abeni Meza, Emily Giles, and Heidi Antillion

6th Grade: Heidi Antillion -Integrity
Heidi impressed me from her first day in class. She is smart, respectful, focused on classwork, and always ready to help a friend or anyone that needs help. She is respectful and honest. Heidi is a joy to have in class.

7th Grade: Abeni Meza Palacio- Determination
Abeni is the type of student every teacher wants! She is responsible and always on top of her grades and very engaging in class, but more than that she is kind and respectful and just wonderful to be around.

8th Grade: Emily Giles-Respect/Responsibility
Emily Giles for Respect/Responsibility. Emily really embodies all of the PRIDE traits. She takes her classwork seriously and strives to do her best. Although she can be reserved, she doesn't hesitate to step up as a leader. She works hard and is enthusiastic about events and clubs. I have found her to be super responsible and respectful!!

Fall Drawing Contest
Students submitted drawings of fall. Winners were chosen by the Cub Hub Team. Here are the winners!
1st Place - Caleb Maldonado, 6th Grade
2nd Place- Alison Reyna, 6th Grade
3rd Place- Angela Ceniseros, 8th Grade
The other entries were all very good! The voting was VERY close!

NEXT CONTEST! - Writing Contest!
Write a three paragraph essay titled “This is why I’m Thankful”. Essays can be sent to or turned into room 228 BEFORE 3pm on Nov 10th. Winners will be chosen by a teachers and Administration.
1st place= $500!!!
2nd place= $300
3rd place= $200
And $50 for just participating and sending in an essay!

Central Figures
The People that Make Central Middle School Great!

Ms. Holley - by Erick Regalado Camino 

Ms. Holley our technology teacher she has been working at Central Middle School for four years. She's originally from Kansas City, Missouri. Ms. Holley started at CMS after looking for a change. One of her favorite things about working at Central is that it's helped her to learn Spanish. One thing she doesn't like about her job is when student's don't do their homework.

After a long day, she likes to go to the gym after school. If she had gotten a job outside of education, she would have wanted to be an airline flight attendant. Ms. Holley's advice to students is to ¨get to know your teachers".

Ms Holley's  Favorite Things
Color: Blue
Animal: Dogs
Food: Chicken
Desert: Cupcake
Movie: Just Wright
Book: Bible

Up Coming Cub Store Dates
6th Grade Order Dates: Nov 2, 3, and 4th
7th and 8th Grade Order Dates: Nov 16, 17, and 18th
All Deliveries will be made AFTER Thanksgiving Break
Looking Ahead

May Edition