
September Issue


New School Year Brings Changes to CMS!
By: Maritxa Sanchez

Every new school year bring's excitement and change and this year is no exception. This year brings a collection of new staff members to Central Middle School, some new policies, and most exciting for students, some changes to the school dress code. 

While much of the dress code is remaining the same, hoodies are allowed at school now, but with some rules. Just like with T-Shirts and polo shirts, hoodies must be solid colors in navy blue, black, or white. No other colors of hoodies are allowed. They should also not have large words or designs on them and logos are discouraged. Don't forget, you also can't wear the hood inside. 

A few more building procedures for teachers have been added this year, such as teachers are greeting each class as they enter their classes, as well as updates to safety procedures. While there are still some challenges the school continues to face, such as students using their cell phones in classes and dress code violations, there is a lot to look forward to this year. 

"We are creating more opportunities to get students ready for high school and beyond." Said DOCTOR Farney, no longer just Mrs. 

Normal life seams to slowly be coming back as the school is back to completely in-person. 

"This year we hope for students to feel safe this school year and that they want to continue being in school" said Dr. Farney.

There are multiple new faces at Central Middle School this year as well. New staff members include the following;

Bailey Appleba (SS6, room 319)
Amanda Brubaker (ESL, room 312)
Valarie Contreras (Restorative Justice, room 122)
Jenny De Alverado (Treasure, Office)
Molly Howland (ELA-6th grade, room 304)
Allison Lewis (Spanish, room 204)
Morgan Nichols (Sci 6 grade, room 211)
Maria Rios (ESL Aide, room 212)
Jenny Sanches (ILC, room 322a)
Meg Sellers (Math 7 grade, room 245)
Jessica Short (Counselor, room 220)
Micheal Taylor (Sci 7 grade, room 227)
Rachel Tilltson (Social Worker, room 219)
Emily Montgomery (Computers, room 316) 

With all the changes around there is still one thing that remains unchanged, Central Middle School is a great place to be and it's going to be a great school year!

Fall Trivia = $$$! 
For the first Trivia Contest of the year, the Cub Hub send out 10 questions about fall. Students that got all 10 questions correct were entered into a drawing for the first place prize of $100 CUB CASH!

The Questions:
1- On what date does Fall start?
A. September 1    B. September 22    C. October 1    D. October 13

2- What Fall Holiday is celebrated in October?
A. Labor Day    B. Teacher Appreciation Day    C. Thanksgiving    d. Halloween

3- What FOUR colors are commonly associated with fall?
A. Red    B. Orange    C. Yellow    D. Green    E. Blue    F. Purple    G. Brown

4- In what direction do birds begin to migrate in Fall?
A. North    B. East    C. South    D. West

5- What month does daylight savings time end?
A. September    B. October    C. November

6- What are animals preparing for when they start storing food and building their nests?
A. Hibernation (Sleep)    B. Famine (No Food)    C. Apocalypse (End of the World)

7- What do squirrels collect in the fall before winter?
A. Berries and Fruits    B. Seeds and Nuts    C. Leaves and Pine Needles

8- What other flying creature begins to migrate in the fall?
A. Bats    B. Monarch Butterflies    C. Flying Squirrels

9- What can you do for good luck according to an old fall superstition?
A. Catch a falling leaf    B. Bob for Apples    C. find an Acorn

10- What was the weight in pounds of the largest pumpkin pie ever made? 
(Answers 100 or less to the correct answer were accepted)

And the winners are.....
1st place $100 Cub Cash!
Iillyanna Shores- 7th grade
2nd place $80 Cub Cash!
Victor Ortiz- 7th grade
3rd place $60 Cub Cash!
Dermea Meh- 7th Grade
Others that got all ten answer correct and won $20
Unisha Baraili - 7th
Hamilma Abdalle- 6th
Arturo Villanueva- 8th
Alliyah Iinares- 8th
Genesis Barrera- 8th
Corianna Dubray- 8th
Denni Mata- 8th
Damian Villanueva- 7th
Jazlynn Chavez- 8th
Andrea Guzman- 8th
Amira Vanberg- 7th
Evelyn Villanueva - 7th
Faziri Chantale - 8th
Tyshine King-Love - 8th
Carolina Alejandre - 6th
Matayo Janvier - 6th
Quiz Answers:
1- B, 2- C, 3- A, B, C, G, 4- C, 5- C, 6- A, 7- B, 8- B, 9- A, 10- 3,699 lbs.

NEXT CONTEST! - Drawing Contest
For October, make a scary, funny or festive picture that depicts "Fall at CMS". Drawings can be sent to or turned into room 228 BEFORE 3pm on Oct 26. Winners will be chosen by the CUB HUB Crew.
1st place= $100
2nd place= $80
3rd place= $60
And $20 for just participating and sending in a picture!

Central Figures
The People that Make Central Middle School Great!
Mr. Francis - by Jacqueline Hernandez 
Mr. Francis is a 7th grade ELA teacher at CMS and has been at Central for five years. He is originally
from Dothan, Alabama where he has a brother and sister, a niece and a nephew. At his home he has 2 cats named, Kitana and Artichoke.
Mr. Francis went into education because he had great reading teachers growing up and he loves to share his love of stories. If he could change something about his job though he wishes that he had a 2 hours lunch. When not at school he likes to do standing up comedy and to play on his PS4. Mr. Francis also likes to go to the movies and if he was not working in education then he would like to be an astronaut. Something unique about Mr. Frances is that he is double jointed in his elbows. His advice to students is to ask for help because your teachers care about you. 

Mr. Francis  Favorite Things 
Color: Black
Animal: Polar Bear
Food: Pizza
Desert: Peanut Butter Ice Cream
Movie: Star Wars 
Book: The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy 

Dr. Birnell - by Erick Regalado Camino

Dr Birnell is an Assistant Principal at CMS who has been working here for 2 years. His duties as an AP is to act as the administrator for the 7th grade team and to help kids (and sometimes even teachers) with technology. He is originally from a small town in Montana. 
He got a job in education because he enjoys helping students and being a part of their learning. What he likes most about his duties is interacting with people.his least favorite is disciplining students. When he is done with school he likes to play beach volleyball and ‘glamping’, glorified camping with an RV instead of a tent and being able to shower everyday. 
If he had never gone into education he would have wanted to be a physical therapist. Something that makes Dr Brinell unique that he's left handed and recuses deaf dogs. A word of advice from our AP is to “get involved with activities and be resilient”.

Dr. Birnell  Favorite Things
Color: Orange
Animal: Shark
Food: Pizza
Desert: Anything Sweet
Movie: Grosse Pointe Blank

P.R.I.D.E. Week is Coming!
October 24-28
Dress to Impress and show some PRIDE!
(Remember on Jean days they can NOT have HOLES!)

Monday (Oct 24): Show Perseverance with Workout Clothes
Tuesday (Oct 25): Twin with someone you Respect (Twin Day)
Wednesday (Oct 26): Wear one of these colors to show the PRIDE Traits (with jeans)
      Purple- Perseverance
      Orange- Respect
      Black- Integrity
      Green- Determination
      Yellow - Engagement
Thursday (Oct 27): Show your Determination with college OR career wear
Friday (Oct 28): Be Engaged by wearing sports shirts (with jeans)
Looking Ahead

May Edition