
November Issue


 Family Fun at CMS!

By: Maritxa Sanchez and Jacqueline Hernandez

On November 3, families were invited to a night of fun and literacy at Central Middle School. Over 85 families participated in games, events and activities geared toward helping families with supporting reading at home.

Among the games and story time, families also got valuable information about the FastBridge tests that students take multiple times a year to measure their growth in reading and math. This information is used to help the school identify the supports needed by individual students. Parents can request the results of these test anytime, they just need to reach out to their student's Family Advisory teacher.

"We hope that families understand how important it is to read with their students", said Dr. Farney.

At the end of the night, families enjoyed a hot dog dinner and a raffle giving away CMS shirts.

For families that missed out on this event, Central Middle School will be hosting another Family Night in January, as well as a Math night in March. Keep an eye on the calendar for those dates.

"I want to increase parents coming to the school and decrease student absences. We want student to come and learn." said Dr. Farney.

Giving Thanks for Fall

Central Middle School students were polled about their favorite fall and Thanksgiving traditions. With over 90% of polled students saying they celebrate Thanksgiving, there is a lot to be grateful this fall!

Mr. Turkey is safe at most CMS student's homes, with only 38% saying that turkey was their favorite main dish. 20% enjoy ham but most students, at 42% said they rather have something else.

Mashed Potatoes toped the list for favorite sides with 47% of the vote, with something else and corn taking the next two top spots.

Something else dominated the desert category with over 46% not liking the selected choices. But pumpkin pie and apple pie are still top favorites.

There's no love for Cranberry sauce at Central Middle School, with over 75% saying "no thank you" to this dish.

And most students won't be watching the Thanksgiving Day parade on TV this year, with only 16% saying they would watch.

Happily, most students said they would be spending time with their families on Thanksgiving, after all the eating was done.
Other fall activity Central Middle School students enjoy is jumping into leaves as over 55% said they would jump into a leaf pile.
Surprisingly, most students also said they like gaining an hour from daylight savings time. Maybe because it let them sleep in.

Students of the Month

Elyiah Cunningham and Corbin Perez, Lluvia Aguilar

6th Grade: Elyjah Cunningham for Integrity. Elyjah is a very helpful and kind student. A few months ago, a student fainted, and he caught her and helped with the situation as much as he could have, all while I was gone! He also is a great friend to others and shows he cares--even gives away some of his mystery bag goodies to others when he buys one!! I believe he represents are school very well, and takes on roles to become involved (i.e. football manager). He also takes his grades pretty seriously. When I ask my FA to check their grades, he is the first to get started and stay focused on improving his grades in class.

7th Grade: Corbin Perez for Integrity. If you do not know Corbin Perez, you should make an effort to get to know him. This is the power of integrity that hopefully all our students can show every day. When walking through metals, Corbin saw the student in front of him drop a noticeable amount of money on the floor. Corbin quietly spoke to the student, alerted to the money on the floor and waited for the student to pick it up. Mr. Lazzo witnessed this event and quickly acknowledged his act of integrity. Instead of taking the money, he did the right thing. Corbin did not stop to wait for praise or acknowledgement, he kept on walking like nothing had happened. This is an example of the famous quote, ". . . act as though no one is watching."

8th Grade: Lluvia Aguilar Hernandez for Engagement. I have had the pleasure of teaching Lluvia as a 6th, 7th, and 8th grade student. Throughout all of the ups and downs of the past 3 years, Lluvia has remained consistent - consistently AWESOME! She is a reserved young lady, not one to draw attention to herself verbally, but she allows her engagement and positive behavior choices to speak for her. No matter what the class activity, Lluvia is right in there giving her all and doing her very best. Her interactions with peers and teachers are kind, respectful, and appropriate.

November Writing Contest

Students were asked to write a three paragraph essay about why they were thankful.
1st place $500 Cub Cash- Corianna DuBray, 8th grade
2nd place $300 Cub Cash- Charlotte Reno, 7th grade
and Halima Abdalle, 6th grade
3rd place $200 Cub Cash - Jatciri Monrroy Cerrito, 7th grade

Thank you to the other students who entered the contest. Each student was awarded $50 cub cash for Engagement.

Anthony Gonzales (6th)
Rosa Mejia (7th)
Ivette Valencia (6th)
Raniyha Clarkson (7th)
Carolina Alejandre (6th)
Dennyse Becerra Ponce (8th)
Lucia Barrera (6th)
Alex Lopez Ovando (6th)
Ashley Iina (6th)
Ethan Smith (6th)
Ruby Campos (6th)
David Taylor (6th)
Natalya Enloe (7th)
Le Pi (6th)
Piper Hughes-Elrod (6th)

NEXT CONTEST! - Snowman Building Contest!

On December 20th we will have a snowman building contest at the school. 
You can work as an individual or in a team.
In order to participate you must have NO referrals and NO tardies from Dec 1- Dec 16th. You also MUST sign up using the form link to be placed on the participation list.

Holiday Cub Store is Coming!

The Holiday Cub Store will be open from December 7, 8 and 9th for ALL grades.  Below are some pictures of the items you will find in the up coming store. Keep up the good work of Perseverance, Respect, Integrality, Determination, and Engagement and earning that cub cash!!

Central Figures

The People that Make Central Middle School Great!
Ms. Short - by Maritxa Sanchez 

There is a new counselor at Central Middle School! Her name is Ms. Short. This is her first year teaching at CMS, she came from New Stanley elementary. She got a job in education because she wanted to be a bright light in students lives. Ms. Short likes her job because she likes talking with students and getting to know the staff. The thing she likes the least about her job is not having enough time in a day to get things done.

When not at work, Ms Short likes to watch horror movies, going kayaking and biking, reading and spend time with friends outside of school. If she had not gotten a job in education she would be an optometrist. Something that makes her unique is that she can bend her fingers in strange ways. Her advice to students is that things get better, just keep your eyes on your goals. 

Ms. Short  Favorite Things 
Color: Black
Animal: Sloth
Food: Potatoes 
Desert: Brownies
Movie: Amelie
Book: Slaughterhouse Five

Dr. Farney - by 
Erick Regalado Camino

Dr Farney the principal that runs the staff, the teachers and funds for Central Middle School. She is originally from Venezuela. She has been a principal for 2 years. Dr Farney originally wanted to be an architect but in college she took classes to teach and she liked it, so she went into education. Dr. Farney likes her job as she gets to interact with the students. She doesn't like her job when she has make discussions about making of money.

When not at school D. Farney likes to do yoga, read, walk her dog, and watch movies with her husband. If she hadn't gotten a job as principal she would have become an artist who works with ceramics or stain glass. Something that makes her unique is she has a large collection of boots and she is bilingual. Dr. Farney's advice for CMS student is to "pick a career that makes you happy and love what you do."

Dr. Farney  Favorite Things 
Color: Green
Animal: Frogs
Food: Seafood 
Desert: Anything Chocolate
Movie: A Christmas Carol
Book: The Art of Racing in the Rain

Ms. Prado's Little Bundle 

Looking Ahead

May Edition