
May Edition

 2021-2022 What a Year!

This school year has been one to remember! While the year wasn't exactly "normal" with masks, social distancing, and vaccinations, this year had many improvements over last year. As we close this chapter, let's hope the next school year will be even better as we learn to appreciate the small things and get back to the thing that we call life.

Central Middle School students were polled on what they thought the highs and lows of the past year were, as well what they hope for the future. Here are the results. 

What was the best thing that happened this year?

28% - Being with friends in person!
12%- Field Trips
12%- Sprit Week and other Dress Down Days

What was the worse thing that happened this year?

55% - Uniforms
12%- Drama between students
9%- Wearing Masks

What are your plans for Summer?

40% - Visiting places and family
21%- Being Outside
16%- Summer School

What are you looking forward to most this Summer?

"Going to Mexico and seeing my Grandma for the first time and all my other family members" 
-Camila Velo, 7th Grade

"Just to hang out with my brother and play games with my friends."
- Breydon Lopez Ovando, 7th Grade

"To get better at football."
-Jesus Phetsangharn, 6th Grade

"To getting prepared for High School."
- Jose Ontiveros, 8th Grade

What will you miss most about school during the Summer?

"Friends, P.E., my Teachers."
- Iram Lara, 6th Grade

"I will miss being able to see other people and playing games."
-Aelany Herrera, 7th Grade

"The Memories."
-Kelly Cortez, 8th Grade

What are you excited about for the next school year?

"I'm excited to move ahead in my life."
- Luis Maldonado, 8th Grade

"Meeting new people and having more challenging work."
- Lukas Gordon, 7th Grade

"My sister is coming her so I can show her where to go."
-Vannesa Tellez, 6th Grade

"Hopefully a better picture for next years yearbook."
-Ashley Pacheco, 7th Grade

New Cub Crew Members!

The New Cub Crew Members for next year have been announced!
Congratulations to; 

Khadija Abdalla
Fidel Aguillon Barajas
Lluvia Aguilar
Antony Aguilar
Sujey Barragan
Genesis Barrera
Dennyse Becerra Ponce
Khua Boe
Emely Camacho
Mia Camargo
Brayan Castaneda Arellano
Angela Ceniseros
Faziri Chantale
Eduardo Clemente
Erika Contreras
Keiysha Cortes
TyShauna Darden
Daniella Diaz Gallegos
Camila Duque
Pablo Espinoza Leyva
Marlin Favila
Yazmin Flores Alvarez
Jacqueline Gachuz Rangel
Maya Garcia
Morisho Gazadikwe
Emily Giles
Kimberly Hernandez
May Nay Htoo
Yelemia Ilanyumva
Alliyah Linares
JaVion Locke
Jacqueline Lopez De Leon
Michelle Marinez
Edhwyn Martinez Olivas
Elli Mata
Kadyn McNeary
Jonathon Mederos
Alison Mejia
Helen Mera
Yazmin Micheo Flores Alvarez
Saul Moreno Rangel
Ada Naabwe
Maileinah Patthaysong
Adrianna Perez
Alan Perez Perez
Martin Ramirez
Dennis Romero
Alonzo Rosales
Jarry Shores
Kevin Talavera
Yesenia Torres

Thank you to this years past Cub Crew and all the work you did to help make this year great!
Good luck in high school next year! We know you'll be amazing!!

Central Figures
The People that Make Central Middle School Great!

Ms. Hamilton - by Walter Rosa
Ms Hamilton is one of Central's 6th grade science teachers. She has been here for 2 years and she was

originally from Shawnee Missouri. Her family includes her mom, her dad, and her little brother. The thing that Ms. Hamilton likes most about her job is being creative with her lessons. The thing she likes least about her job is creating work for her classes. 
When not at work, Ms. Hamilton likes to play with her dog, go bowling, read books, hang out with her buddies, and go to the gym. If she had done something other than teaching, she would’ve been a retailer. One thing that makes her unique is she is the only teacher that stands on tables to teach her students. Ms. Hamilton's advice to Central Middle School students is "Actions have consequences."

Ms. Hamilton's  Favorite Things
Color: Blue
Animal: Bunnies
Food: Fried Chicken Sandwich and Pineapple Pizza
Desert: Chocolate Brownies
Movie: Disney's Cinderella
Book: Dune

Ms. Graham - by Erick Regalado Camino

Ms Graham is a 6th grade Social Studies and has been working here at Central for 26 years. Originally from Salina Kansas Ms Graham's family includes her mom, sister, 2 nephews & their wives, 5 great nieces and 1 great nephew.
Ms. Graham went into education because she loves to read and be around people. What she likes most about her job is the kids, but she doesn't like the paper work. When not at work, Ms. Graham likes is read, go to moves, walk her dogs, and take naps. If she hadn't gone into teacher, Ms. Graham would have been a doctor. Ms. Graham's advice to Central Middle School students is "work hard and find something that you love for a career." 

After 34 years of teaching, 26 being at Central Middle School, Mr. Graham will be retiring this year!  

Ms. Graham's Favorite Things
Color: Purple
Animal: Dogs
Food: Mexican
Desert: Ice Cream
Movie: Harry Potter and Marvel Films
Book: Harry Potter Books

Flowers and Babies Bloom in May
Mr. Speers welcomed a little girl on May 18th. Nora Rose Speers weighs 7.8 ounces and is 19.25 inches long. 
Her favorite things to do are eat, sleep, and make stinky diapers for Mr. Speers to change.

Looking Ahead
August 10-12: Family Advisory Days
August 15: First day for K-5, 6th & 9th grades
August 16: First Day for all other grades

May Edition