
March Edition

Zombies Invade CMS!

Central Middle School was invaded by zombies on May 30th, but don't worry the advance theatre students have you covered with their play; '10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse'.  The students performed to a very full section of the Central Middle School gym and did a wonderful job in teaching the audience how to avoid being eaten by zombies with techniques like "sacrifice the weak", "kung fu", "romance the zombies", and "leave the planet". 

Theatre students were involved in all aspects of the production, from set design and construction, lighting, sound design, costumes and make up. Some of the roles in the play were split between two groups that divided up the informative scenes. 

"I am so proud of them and the way they have taken a risk to be involved in this production. I have seen them step up and lead each other! I'm looking forward to many more exciting theatre shows with Central Middle School Theatre." said Mrs. McPherson of her cast and crew. 

The Cast:

Nanna- Elizabeth Solano

Girl- Karina Perez

Narrator 1- Adrianna Perez

Narrator 2- Jalaina Blount

Susan- TyShine King-Love and Cori Dubray

Jimmy- Adrian Meza and Yaretzi Gomez Villegas

Christy- Angela Ceniseros and Alondra Rodriguez

Sam- Alan Perez and Horus Rodriguez

Zombies- Samantha Mora, Ta'Shaun Chapman, Brissa Borunda, Jonathan Espinoza, Alliyah Linares, Analyce Sandoval, Kaleb Vanbebber, 

Signs- Maritxa Sanchez and Darlene Zapata


Director- Maigan McPherson

Stage Managers- Analyce Sandoval and Angel Velasquez

Set Designer- Karina Perez

Props- Evelyn Garcia, Elli Matta, Cristina Rodriguez, Aylin Valle, and Analyce Sandoval 

Costumes- Tyler Augustin, Andy Monroy, Angel Morales, Darlene Zapeta,  and Maritxa Sanchez

Sound- Jonathan Espinoza and Martin Ramirez

Lighting- Edwin Gonzalez and Kaleb Vanbebber

Make-up- Brissa Borunda, Cori Dubray, Samatha Mora, Angel Morales, Alliyah Linares, and Kristal Nava

Publicity- Aylin Valle

Math Night!

During March, Central Middle School hosted students and families for a night of Numbers and Nachos! The night was put together by the math department to help build a strong family and school partnership. Families got to participate in math themed activities such as dominos, twister, and making slime. 

"My favorite activity was the cup sacking." said Mrs. Ross, sixth grade math teacher that lead the efforts in planning math night. "We had whole families working together on the floor to build the tallest tower they could." 

The night was a success with a great turn out. This was the first math night for CMS and while many families may have been hesitant to come out for it, those that did had a lot of fun with the activities and the nacho dinner. 

"We hope to have a bigger turnout next year and a variety of activities that are cross-curricular." said Mrs. Ross. 

March Trivia Contest Winner

Congratulations to Xitlali Hernandez for winning the March Trivia contest! Xitlali will be getting $100 cub cash and all others who tried their hand at the trivia will be getting $20 cub cash! 

April Contest - Picture It!

Do you have a cool photo hiding on your phone? Or have an idea for a cool photo you haven't taken yet? Here's our chance to share it and maybe win some Cub Cash! 

Submit a school appropriate photo that YOU took to Mrs. George by April 20th by email to Winners will be picked by the Newspaper Staff and selected teachers.

First Place- $100 Cub Cash
Second Place- $80 Cub Cash
Third Place- $50 Cub Cash

Students of the Month

Gustavo Hernandez Gonzalez, Karina Perez Garcia and Dennis Romero

6th Grade: Gustavo Hernandez Gonzalez-Respect (Engagement)
Gustavo is the type of student that you would want to have in class. He is respectful, a good leader, and cares about doing good work. He is in the ELD class for science and does exceptional work. He loves participating in class discussions. He not only stays up with what we are currently learning, but wants to go beyond the curriculum. Gustavo is a great candidate for student of the month for respect and engagement.

7th Grade: Karina Perez Garcia-Respect
Karina is by far one of the best of 7th grade! She always hits all 4 Pillars, and doubly so this month. She has been working diligently to get into Sumner. When she didn't make the cut due to her Fastbridge score, she wasn't angry...she just buckled down to improve! In addition, she is so respectful to students and staff alike. She has helped tremendously with another young man in my FA who has some anxiety about Academics First. She helps ease his mind and walks him to the counselors if he needs it. Her work consistently shows of high marks and she makes sure there is nothing to improve upon before asking for some free time. Karina is a star!

8th Grade: Dennis Romero-Pride(Proud)
Dennis Romero for Pride (Proud). Dennis is one of the most honest and caring students I know. I have had the pleasure of working with Dennis for two years and during this time, not once have I heard Dennis express a negative feeling or show a bad attitude about engaging in an academic or structured classroom event. He always has a smile on his face and because of this is often asked to lead our new students on tours, asked to work with 6th grade students who may need a "buddy" to get through a rough patch, or be tasked with the fast paced job of packing bags in the Cub Store. Regardless of the request, Dennis is always willing to share his time and smile with all those he encounters. Recently, I asked Dennis if he ever got mad or unhappy about life things and he said, "Sure, but it is easier to smile and forgive someone and move on. They may of just had a bad day or something going on, I can't let it ruin my day." Maybe we all need to think a bit more like Dennis.

Looking Ahead

May Edition