
February Edition

Central's Cubstore Delivers Joy 
(and treats) to Students 
by Erick Regalado Camino

Every month, Central Middle School students log on to their computers to make purchases of all the goodies that middle schoolers love. But they aren't shopping on Amazon, rather they are going to their very own school store known as the Cub Store for everything from school supplies to treats, toys, and more. 

The store is run by Mrs. Malcolm who has been building the store for three years into the phenomenon it is today. Students log in a 'buy' things with the Cub Cash, fictional money they have earned from teachers and staff for demonstrating the Pride Traits such as Respect, Integrity, and Determination. 

Just one wall of the Cub Store's Inner Workings

The store costs around $6000 each school year, plus donations from businesses, to stock the supplies students can purchase. Mrs. Malcolm then spends about a week, or more if the number of orders is large, putting together bags and bags of the supplies to be delivered to the students. The largest number of orders placed in one week was 346!

"The store is a success due to the students and the teachers who support it." says Malcolm, "it started as a way to support the Social-Emotional Needs of our students and has grown from there." 

From very humble beginnings in Mrs. Malcolm's office to hand delivery every bag during the pandemic to now having its very own space on the main floor of the school, the Cub Store has become an example for other schools to follow as many High Schools in the Kansas City Kansas School district have come to learn how to build their own store in its image. 

The Original Cub Store in Mrs. Malcolm's office

Mrs. Malcolm hopes the store will continue to grow in the future years so that students can come directly to the store for their orders rather than having to wait for them to be delivered.

"I hope to grow the store into a bigger space, and to have weekly store hours so that every student can order something they like." Malcolm says.

Students have been very excited to place their orders each month and continue to break their records for the most orders placed. 

"I think the store is useful to students when they need things and don't have to spend their real money on supplies." Said Karina Garcia,  a sixth-grader. 

Let's hope the Cub Store will have a long life at Central Middle School and continue to encourage students toward excellence! 

Kindness Week
During the week of February 14- February 16, students at Central Middle School celebrated Kindness Week with Themed dress-down days!

Monday, February 14: Shine Bright with Kindness
by wearing Neon Colors

Tuesday, February 15: Just Be You-
Wear what makes you YOU!

Wednesday, February 16: Colors Day!
Green for Gratitude

Orange for Helpfulness

Yellow for Positivity

Blue for Encouragement

Red for Self Love

Thursday, February 17 the weather was 'kind' to us by giving us a snow day!

Central Figures
The People that Make Central Middle School Great!

Ms. Votypka - by Carlos Reyes

The counselor for central middle school is Mary Votypka. She has been at Central Middle School for 5 years. While she was originally born in Ohio, she was raised in Kansas. Ms. Votypka became a counselor at Central Middle School because “I love working with kids” she says. The thing she loves most about her job is that she likes being able to help students find solutions to their problems. To help them support them in hard times in their life. Things she enjoys doing outside of school are reading, doing puzzles, hiking, rock climbing.

Ms. Votypka's Favorite Things
Color: All colors because they are all special
Animal: Dogs
Food: Greek and Italian
Desert: creme brulee
Movie: Pride and Prejudice
Book: Harry Potter or anything by Mitch Albom

Mrs. Davis - by Karina Garcia
Let's meet Katie Davies. This is her first year at Central Middle school as an instructional coach. She is  originally from Merriam, Kansas. In her family, she has her husband Jon, 3 kids, and her dog. Her favorite part of her job is the students because she will never give up on a student. Her least favorite thing about central is testing. Outside of school, she likes soccer because one of her kids plays it. She was inspired by her dad who was a teacher. If she did not do the job she does she would be a nurse that delivers babies. The advice that she would give to her students is that don’t be the reason why you’re not successful.

Mrs. Davis' Favorite Things
Color: Red
Animal: Dog
Food: Cheeseburger
Dessert: Cheesecake
Movie: Encanto
Books: To Kill a Mockingbird

Students of the Month
(From the top) Gema Ramirez, Jarry Shores, Antonella Salas Robeldo

6th Grade:
Antonella Salas Robeldo-Determination

Antonella is an incredible young lady! She is the definition of a hard worker. Antonella is constantly pushing herself to be the best she can possibly be. Whenever she gets done with her work, she always shows it to me first to see if there is anything she needs to do to make it better. She holds herself to very high standards and will not accept anything less. Oh, and she also just joined the spelling bee :) She is constantly going above and beyond and is a great role model to her peers. Keep up the great work, Antonella!

7th Grade:
Jarry Shores-Engagement

Jarry has not missed a minute of class. He is always on time and has his needed materials. Jarry demonstrates engagement every class period by participating fully, asking clarifying questions, and completing all assignments on time and with accuracy. I wish I had a few more Jarry's this class period!

8th Grade:
Gema Ramirez-Respect/Responsibility

Gema is one of my best students. She is always doing her best, and the work she provides is top-notch. As well as her work, Gema is one of the most respectful individuals I have ever had at Central. Always kind, caring, and willing to help people who need it.

Tiny Feet leave the Biggest Prints
School Librarian Mrs. Kuch welcomed Eleanor Marie Kuch on Thursday, Feb 17th. She was a tiny 5lb 9oz but healthy and strong.

By Briana Alvarez 

By Emily Hernandez- Garcia

By Shyna Rai

Looking Ahead

May Edition