
April Edition


April First is Here, No Foolin'

Each first of April many people around the world find fun ways to prank their friends and family. But how did this holiday of pranks get started? The answer is, no one really knows for sure. One common theory is that when Pope Gregory XIII issued a Papal Bull changing the calendar to what we now call the Gregorian Calendar, some people in rural areas were slow to make the change from celebrating the new year in the spring. Theses people were referred to as April Fools, for not following the new calendar. 

For more details watch the following video.

So how do students at Central Middle School celebrate April Fools? 39% of students at CMS said they would be trying to prank someone this April 1st, while 40% said they might pull a prank, and only 20% said they were not going to prank anyone. 

We asked the students what some of their best pranks they've ever played on someone was, so here's what you should be on the look out for this April 1st. 

"Put pepper flakes in Takkis." said Jeffery Oswald, 6th grade

"I put flake blood on my finger and grabbed a knife and say I cut myself and I had a fake finger and took it off." said Eduardo Garces, 6th grade

"Slapping cheese on my sister's face while she was asleep." said Christopher Enochs, 6th grade.

"I put my brother's hand in warm water while he slept." said, Marie Clark, 7th grade

"Making someone think that there is a spider on their bed, while they are sleeping." said Fernando Rodriguez Meza, 7th grade

"Drawing on somebody's face while they were alseep." said Mia Arambula, 7th grade

"Put invisible ink on my sister." said Jesus Navarrete, 8th grade

"Fire cracker in my friend's cake." said Joel Delgado Prieto, 8th grade

But while pulling a prank can be fun, getting a prank pulled on you can be a diffrent experience. 53% of Central Middle school students have said that they have been pranked on April Fools before. Here are some of the pranks that have been pulled on them.

"The teachers told us the school was having a flood." said John Gakuru, 6th grade

"Telling me I've been asleep for a week." said Ethan Campos, 6th grade

"My older sister put a stink bomb under my bed." said Jessy Rodriguez, 7th grade

"My mom turned off my alarm so I woke up late that day." said Heidi Antillon, 7th grade

"My brother was hiding in a corner and my brother scared me and then he smashed two eggs in my head!" said Seti Uwiringmana, 8th grade

"Pretending there's going to be a tornado." said Yaretzi Gomez Villegas, 8th grade

All  staff and students should be on their toes, because the pranks could be coming from anywhere. We asked students which Central Middle School staff members they would want to prank the most and the results were;

1st place- Ms. Sellers
2nd place- Mr. Brockman
tied for 3rd place- Dr. Niboro and Ms. Henry

So these teachers and everyone else should be on there toes and keep a look out, or else you just might become an April Fool!

Employees Must Wash Hands After Murder

No, that's not an April's Fools headline, that was the title of the play performed by Central Middle School students in the theater department that was performed on March 28th. 

Employees Must Wash Hands Before Murder is the story of a burger restaurant with more than a few problems. The food is questionable, there is a guy living in the back named scabby, and there is a singing tape worm! Then to add to all those problems there is a murder that needs to be solved. Laughs are served with a side of mystery as the staff, health inspectors, and the occasional restaurant patron try to solve the murder and keep the restaurant open too! 

"I am so proud of them and the way they have taken a risk to be involved in this production." said CMS theatre teacher and director Mrs. McPherson. "I have seen them step up and encourage each other! I am so excited for the future of this program and the amazing students here at Central Middle School Theatre." 

Its all Fun and Games at Central

The Central Middle school Student Council hosted a game night at CMS last March 21st. Students were invited to spend an hour after school to have fun and games after school with their friends. There was no charge for students to enjoy this game night and all grades were invited to participate. Students and teachers were seen enjoying card games, board games, legos, jenga, corn hole, and many more types of games. Pep club provided snacks for sale and all the students who stuck around after school had a great time!

Royality At CMS

On Friday, March 29 the Pep Club hosted a dance at Central as a fundraiser for the class end of year field trips. In addition to the dancing, snacks and fun, the students got to vote for the Spring Court at Central.

King and Queen (8th Grade)

Josue Torres Morales and Melody Mims

Prince and Princess (7th Grade)

Jamyrion Locke and Atziri Perez

Duke and Dutchess (6th Grade)

Esteban Garcia Quizar and Cherlin Favila-Galindo

Central's Cub Writer Latest Issue

The students in the creative writing class at Central Middle School have been working hard on the latest edition of the Cub Writer, this issue being focused on Comics. Click below to read the latest work from Central's Creative Writers. Get access to a FREE Comic Book Creator to make your own! 

There is an important announcement about changes to the
 dress code policy! Click Here!

Central Figures

The People that Make Central Middle School Great!

Ms. Short 

Ms Short is one of the counselors and has sold her soul to Central Middle School so she will be here for eternity. Ms Short got a job in education because she's always wanted to work with people shorter than her. What Ms Short loves most about her job is her walkie talkie and listening in to the juicy gossip. 

If Ms Short could have a different job than a counselor, she would be a full time Rocky Horror Picture Show Performer. Some advice Ms Short would give to students is, “Always bring your teacher treats. Bribery is the only way to succeed in life.” When not at school, Ms Short likes to dye her hair black and pretend to be a witch from Macbeth.  

Ms Short's Favorite Things 

Color: Black
Animal: Dead ones
Food: Raw Vegetables 
Dessert: Tears of students
Movie: The Notebook 
Book: The Villains guide to Success 

Mr. Sweatt 

Mr Sweatt is the siren of Central Middle School. He got a job in educations after graduating from clown college. He loves his job most when he steals the voices of his students and puts them in magic shells. 

Mr Sweatt wishes he had become a math teacher, but her was afraid he wasn't cool enough. When not at work he is a total couch potato and never moves unless absolutely necessary. He likes to eat sugar straight from the jar. His advice to students would be "Make sure when singing to always scream at the top of your lungs to drown out the others in the choir. You be your own star!" 

Mr. Sweatt's Favorite Things 

Color: Rainbow
Animal: Howler Monkey, because of it's singing voice
Food: Sugar, straight up 
Dessert: See above
Movie: Old Silent moves so he can make up his own dialogue 
Book: He didn't know what a book was

Looking Ahead

May Edition