
March Edition


Literacy Night comes to Central

February 29th is a day that comes around only once every four years, and this year Central used it to celebrated Literacy! Families were invited to participate in a verity of games, explore the book fair, and eat yummy froggy fries. Some families walked away with prizes for movie nights, bowling, and gift cards. We hope everyone that came out had a great time, and for everyone that missed it, we hope to see you next year!

Spring Break Springs Soon!

by Mayra Padilla

Spring Break will begin for Central Middle School student's soon. Starting this Friday, March 8th, students will not be required to come to school. Classes will resume again on March 18th. 

To help get excited for this break, we asked students what they plan to do during the break. 

Do you leave the state during spring break?
48% said no, 43% said sometimes, and 8% said yes.

Do you leave the country during spring break?
68% said no, 9% said yes, and 22% said sometimes.

The top three answers for your favorite spring break activities was,
sleeping in 70%, being with friends 65%, and being outside 49%.

What is your least favorite part of spring break was,
being bored, with 59%, being stuck at home 43%, and missing friends from school 36%.

If money was no issue, what would you do on your perfect spring break? 
“Travel to Las Vegas with friends.” - Fernanda Becerra Cruz, 6th grade

“Go to Florida again because I love it!.” - Keity Rocio Hernandez, 7th grade

“Go to Great Wolf Lodge.” - Ashton Reed, 8th grade

Why do you love Spring Break?  
“Because you can sleep long if you want. You don’t have to wake up at 5 or 6 any more.” - Yildi Perez, 6th grade

“It gives us time to rest and let us spend time with family.” - James Yang, 7th grade

“I love spring break because I get to play soccer every day.” - Isai Obed Escalante, 8th grade

Central Crowns next Spelling Bee Champ!

by Mayra Padilla

Central Middle School held the yearly a spelling bee on January 11th. Eight students from each of the three grades signed up to participate. After just the first round of questions, only two students remained, all the other students being eliminated on their first word. 

The remaining two, Alex Serrano  of the sixth grade and Heidi Antillon of the seventh grade went head to head for five rounds until the words, provision and fluke, came up, and Alex ended up winning the spelling bee and was named the Champion for Central Middle School! 

Heidi Antillon, 7th grade, second place,
Alex Serrano, 6th grade, first place, and 
Angel Perez, 6th grade, third place


If you've every wanted to put your own photos in the yearbook, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! We are using a company called Tree Ring that will let YOU put YOUR PHOTOS in the yearbook. You must do this by MARCH 26TH! Use the link to order and begin designing your own CUSTOM PAGE!! 

Very few books will be ordered for in person sales. Pre-ordering is the best way to ensure you get a book this year and you will even be able to personalize two pages of your very own! 

Central Figures

The People that Make Central Middle School Great!

Ms. Short - by Mayra Padilla

 Ms Short is one of the counselors and this is her second year at Central Middle School. Ms Short got a job in education because she wanted to help kids feel accepted, loved, and wanted to help with their future. What Ms Short loves most about her job is her relationship with kids and having fun with them. However, she doesn’t like to see kids hurt each other. 

If Ms Short could have a different job than a counselor, she would be an Ophthalmologist (eye doctor). Some advice Ms Short would give to students is, “Do not give up on yourself, ask for help when you need it.” When not at school, Ms Short likes to watch horror movies, go outside, plant flowers, and go on road trips. 

Ms Short's Favorite Things 
Color: Purple
Animal: Cat
Food: Mashed potatoes
Desert: Brownies
Movie: Tons of horror movies
Book: All the Light You Cannot See

Ms. Gittinger - by Mayra Padilla

Ms. Gittinger is an 8th grade integrated reading & writing teacher, who has been teaching at Central for 5 years. She got a job in education because, “My mom taught 4th grade for 40 years, so, she was sorta my inspiration.” What Ms. Gittinger likes about her job is the students and reading, but doesn’t like to grade papers. If Ms. Gittinger could have a different job instead of education, she would prefer to be a librarian. Advice that she would give to her students is, “Stay caught up with your work, it’s easy to stay caught up, but hard to catch up.” What Ms. Gittinger enjoys doing outside of school is to rock climb. Something that makes her unusual or unique is that, she can solve a Rubix's cube under 1 minute.

Ms Gittinger's Favorite Things 

Color: Rainbow
Animal: Sloth
Food: Orange Chicken
Desert: Ice-cream
Movie: Prefers any shark movies
Book: Too many for her to choose from

Looking Ahead

May Edition