
Jan Edition


New Year, New Central

2023 has come and gone, but the students at Central Middle School took some time to reflect on the year before it ended. Here are some of their responses as they look back on the year that was, and forward to all the new year has to bring.

What was the best part of 2023? 

Most students put being with friends high on their list as the best part of 2023. Other highlights included clubs, prep rallies and the cub store. 

"My favorite part has been our pep assembly’s they are always so fun and exciting!" said Gracelyn Scherer, 6th Grade

"The classes, as I have close bonds with teachers since I am a good student and they enjoy me being there." said Alex Cornelio Torres, 7th Grade

"My concerts were always fun and my volleyball games to I feel like every time I play volleyball it just releases stress." said Jatciri Monrroy Cerrito, 8th Grade

What was the worst part of 2023? 

Homework was a common answer for the worst part of the school year so far, with school drama and math classes coming in close behind.

"A bunch of homework in different classes being assigned on the same day. As well with having low quality Wi-Fi." said Mayra Padilla of 6th Grade

"Having to wake up early." said Yamileth Mendoza from 7th Grade

"District test and uniforms." said Charlotte Reno from 8th Grade

What was your favorite memory of 2023? 

Many students said events with friends and family members were among their favorite memories from the last year. Other favorites included vacations and the summer time!

"Favorite memory is when we do any fun activities." said Emely Ortiz from the 6th Grade

"Our first band concert." said Piper Hughes-Elrod from the 7th Grade

"When the chiefs won the Super Bowl." said Angel Jahaziel Villegas from the 8th Grade

What do you want to happen in 2024? 

Looking forward to next year, many students are focusing on improving their grades or personal habits, like waking up early. Others want to spend more time with friends and family. 

"Be one of the best soccer players." said Alex Omar Leiva Pineda of the 6th Grade

"I want to have better grades so I can go to Sumner Academy." said Kinverlin Carrasco of the 7th Grade

"Make it to the soccer team and have fun for my last year." said Iram Lara Renteria of the 8th Grade

When asked if they planned making a new year' resolution this year, most people were undecided with 58% of CMS students saying they were unsure of having a 2024 resolution. Only 9% said they would not certainly not be making a resolution this year and 33% said they would absolutely would have a resolution for 2024.

The most common resolution with 39% of the students responses was to improve their grades. Other popular resolutions included being more active, being a better friend, and to learn a new skill.

When asked if they would stay up to ring in the New Year, over 78% of CMS students said they would. Only 5% said they would not, and 16% said they would try to stay up that late.
When asked what they would be doing on New Years Eve to celebrate, the most common response was just to stay up until midnight, with going to parties and playing games close behind. Sleeping and watching movies were also popular answers.
No matter how you brought in the New Year, let's hope this year brings good things for all the students and staff of Central Middle School! Happy 2024!

Sports in Review

Fall and Winter sports have all be wrapped up and finished their season, but we wanted to take a moment to recognize the efforts and talents of all the CMS athletes! 

Cross Country




Girl's Basketball

Celebrations in Encore Classes

The elective classes at Central Middle School often end at the end of each semester, so many of the classes spent the two half days before winter break celebrating the end of the semester. 

Central Figures

The People that Make Central Middle School Great!

Ms. Pitchford - by Emely Ortiz

Ms. Pitchford is a 6th grade science teacher and this is her first year at Central. Ms. Pitchford got a job in education because she enjoys teaching others new things and wants to
teach the next generation new things. She likes watching students grow socially and academically and being a part of their lives. What she likes the least is having too much to do, with little to no time. If Ms Pitchford could have a job outside of education, it would have to be in politics, or an anthropologist. What Ms Pitchford enjoys doing outside of school is roller skating, making music, playing with cats, stitching, and camping. Some advice Ms Pitchford would give to her students is to "try something new, even if you don’t think you’ll like it".
Something that makes Miss PitchFord unique or unusual is that she is non-conformist, non-traditional, and always shakes the table. She is originally from Fayetteville, North Carolina, and has a mother, grandma, and a brother.

Ms Pitchford's Favorite Things 

Color: Green, Orange, Yellow and Black
Animal: Pig
Food: Salads
Desert: Ice-Cream
Movie: Harold and Mod
Book: Asata 

Ms. Malcolm - by Mayra Padilla

s. Malcom is a teacher who coordinates AVID, runs the cub store, and fills in teaching positions who has been at Central for 6 years. Ms. Malcom got a job in education because she loved helping students. She’s always wanted to do teaching from the start. Her favorite thing about her job is to “Wake up everyday, and do what I love.” But what she likes the least about her job is driving 25 minutes to the school. Some advice Ms. Malcom would give to Central Middle students is to "find your passion, and don’t forget what makes you happy". Ms. Malcom’s favorite thing to do outside of school is to quilt, garden, and work with adult students. Something that makes Ms Malcom unique or unusual is that she never stops, and she constantly goes. 

Ms Malcolm's Favorite Things 
Color: Blue
Animal: Dog
Food: Mexican 
Movie: Forest Gump
Desert: Chocolate
Book: Slaughter House 5


Very few books will be ordered for in person sales. Pre-ordering is the best way to ensure you get a book this year and you will even be able to personalize two pages of your very own! 

Looking Ahead

May Edition