
Dec Edition


Nachos and Numbers night

The first family night of the school year was held at Central Middle School on November 9th. Students and families came for a night of Numbers and Nachos, participating in a verity of math and science related activities and ending in yummy nachos. 

CMS Theatre Delivers Laughs and Pies

Central Middle School Theatre Department put on the play, Lord of the Pies. The story tells about the panic some customers go though when they think they are locked inside a pie shop and that, naturally, that means society as we know it must be coming to an end. Laughs and pies begin to fly as the characters have to decide if the world really has come to an end, or maybe they should check the door one more time. 

Congratulations to Ms McPherson and her hard working and dedicated students who put together this fabulous show! 

Anti Bullying Poster Contest Winners

In honor of Unity Month, the Family Advisory classes of Central Middle School made posters to encourage others to stand up to bullying. The winners were announced and we would like to congratulate Ms Anderson's and Mrs Reno's classes who tied for first place!

Central Figures

The People that Make Central Middle School Great!

Ms. Anderson - by Emely Ortiz

Ms. Anderson
is an ESL teacher who teaches 7th and 8th grade students, and this is her first year teaching at Central. She wanted to become a teacher because she wanted to find ways to help students all over the world, regardless of their circumstances. Ms Anderson has taught students in 5 different countries. She likes getting to know her students, and finding ways to help them learn and grow, however, something Ms Anderson doesn’t like about her job is whenever she has to wake up at 6 in the morning for work. If she had to choose a job other than a job in education, she would work for the United Nation. Ms Anderson likes to read, travel, and spend time outside when she’s outside of school. Ms Anderson originates from Kansas City, but she has recently moved here from Columbia. Her 
advice to her students is, "even when something is difficult, try to ask for help if you need it". 

Ms Anderson's  Favorite Things 

Color: Green
Animal: Llama or Penguin 
Food: Sushi
Desert: Cheesecake
Movie: How to Train Your Dragon 2
Book: Midnight Library 

Ms. Wikler - by Mayra Padilla     

s. Wikler is a 6th grade science teacher that has been at Central for 9 years. Ms Wikler got a job in education because she wanted to teach kids how to read and learn more about science. What Ms Wikler likes most about her job is getting to do labs, but she doesn’t like it when students aren’t doing what they are supposed to. If she had a job outside of education, she would have liked to become a marine biologist. When not at school, she enjoys crafting and watching TV. Ms Wikler originates from Normal, Illinois. She has a husband, Josh, two sons, Gavin and London, a daughter, Josie, and  a dog named Bella. Some advice Ms Wikler would give to her students is, "do what you know is right, work your hardest and always treat others with kindness".

Ms  Favorite Things 
Color: Purple
Animal: Dolphin
Food: Lasagna 
Movie: Pretty in Pink
Desert: Funfetti Cake
Book: Elenor 


Very few books will be ordered for in person sales. Pre-ordering is the best way to ensure you get a book this year and you will even be able to personalize two pages of your very own! 

Looking Ahead

May Edition