
Nov. Edition


CMS Stand in Unity Against Bullying

October 18th was National Unity Day as part of National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. Students at Central Middle School celebrated by making anti-bullying posters and wearing orange. 

As part of Unity Day, the Cub Hub surveyed the students of Central Middle School about their thoughts and opinions on bullies. Only 27% of those students who responded said they have felt bullied at school. When asked what they would do if they were bullied, most students said they would either tell a teacher (31%) or walk away (32%). When asked what they would they would do if they saw someone else being bullied, most students said they would either stand up for them (38%) or they would get a teacher (37%). 

When asked how it feels to be bullied, 6th grader Anjela Esparza Galvan said "Scared, sad, sometime very angry and anxious". 7th grader Itzel Contreas Garcia said, "It feels horrible and you might feel hopeless and fall into a dark place." 8th grader Nayeli Ramirez Espino said, "It feels bad because you just feel left out and like you don't belong." 

Students were asked why they think people act like a bully. 6th grader Yildi Perez said "So they can get all the attention from people and be popular," 7th grader Karlie Notsinneh said "Because they don't like something about themselves so they bully other kids." and 8th grader Alondra Rodriguez said "Because they're going though their own stuff and they're putting their anger out on other people." 

When asked what students at Central Middle School can do to stop bullying, 6th grader Gracelyn Scherer responded, "Not bully, tell a teacher when you see it, and also encourage friends not to be a bully." 7th grader Carlos Ramirez responded "Talk to teachers or any trusted adult about the situation and try to stand up to it." 8th grader Jacqueline Serrano Hernandez responded, "Maybe stop every bully you see and ask them why they did that."  

Central Middle School students are on their way to making it a more unified and kinder world!

CMS 6th Grader Wins Writing Contest!

6th grader, Alex Serrano Leiva, won a creative writing contest for the Kansas City Public Library this month. There were over 100+ submissions, and the contest was open to anyone in the metro area ages 10-14. His work was read aloud by a professional actor at Ghost Lights, a Halloween celebration and festival put on by the Kansas City Repertory Theatre. If you were not able to attend to hear Alex's work being read, the library will be adding his poem to their YouTube channel permanently. As of this publication, the 2023 video is not yet posted, but stay tuned to the following link to see it when it is up.

You can read Alex's story, The Woods, in the Halloween Edition of the the Cub Writers Quarterly, with other submission from the CMS Writer's Club.

Hispanic Heritage Month Contest Winners

As Hispanic Heritage Month ended, we get to announce the winners of the door decoration contest. Congratulations to Mrs. Smith's and Mrs. Reno's classes for their fabulous doors!

First CMS Dance!

The student's had their first dance on October 20th. Everyone had a lot of fun enjoying the music, dancing and snacks!

Central Figures

The People that Make Central Middle School Great!

Mrs. McBride - by Emely Ortiz

Mrs. McBride is a new teacher this year to CMS and teaches art. She is originally from Missouri. She has a husband and a daughter in her family. Mrs. McBride got a job teaching art, because she got bored of graphic designing. Her favorite thing to do is work with kids, her least favorite thing to do is call parents for bad actions. When not in school, she likes to hang out with her cows and knits when bored. If she hadn't gotten at job as a teacher, she would be a livestock veterinarian. Something unusual about Mrs. McBride is that when she was 15 she lived in a tent for a bit, loves going on road trips and camping. Some advice from Mrs. McBride is "Don’t give up and always try to do your best."

Ms McBride's  Favorite Things 

Color: Olive Green
Animal: All of them
Food: Seafood- lobster
Desert: Custard
Movie: Second Hand Lions
Book: Lonesome Dove

Ms. Green - by Mayra Padilla     

Ms. Green is an ESL teacher and she has been teaching at Central Middle School for twenty-six years. Ms. Green wanted a job in education because she always wanted to work with children. If she did any job outside of education, she would be a nurse. Ms. Green doesn’t really like getting up early for work, but does like working with her students. The advice she would give to her students is to "find something you like to do". She originates from Shawnee Mission, and has two daughters, a son, a dog and two cats, and enjoys playing sports with her children

Ms Green's  Favorite Things 
Color: Green
Animal: Elephants
Movie: Urban Cowboy
Desert: Cookies
Book: My Sister's Keeper


Very few books will be ordered for in person sales. Pre-ordering is the best way to ensure you get a book this year and you will even be able to personalize two pages of your very own! 

May Edition