
April Edition

 All The World's a Stage

by Erick Regalado

On Thursday March 31, Central Middle School was invaded by Aliens! Only these aliens were actually middle school students performing Out of This World, an original play written by drama teacher, Mrs. McPherson. A few lucky classes were able to attend during the last period of the day to cheer on their fellow classmates as they put on a great performance.

In the play two country bumpkins come across an UFO and accidentally end up on another planet surrounded by aliens. Many types of strange and weird aliens have gathered to decided the fate of Earth, and some are not on our side. Through music, singing , dancing and little help from Mr. Spock (played by Analyce Sandoval) and others, earth is saved!

Along the way the country girls, played by Shyann Enochs and Miah Garcia, solve other mysteries like what happened to Elvis (played by Mr. Speers) and Amelia Earhart (played by Angela Ceniseros) and is Bigfoot (played by Samuel Perez) real. Hint; he is!

I loved it the play it was funny and interesting! The students who was performing where so talented for taking the time to learn their lines and so brave in getting up in font of so many audience member to act it out. My favorite parts were seeing famous people from earth featured in the story. It felt like an episode of “What if”. Plus Mr. Sweat as Elvis stole the show. If teaching doesn’t work out, he could find a good job as an Elvis impersonator.

I hope to see another plays performed by Central Middle School students next year and I think everyone should take a chance and try something new, even if it feels scary. It just might be Out of This World!!

April Brings a Black Out and April Fools

April Fools hit a day early at Central Middle School when on March 31 the school lost power around lunch time for about an hour. Some students ate while sitting in the dark and teachers lined the halls to help provide lights for those traveling to and from the lunch room. While the exact cause of the power loss is unknown, Central Middle School was only one of many businesses that were effected by the outage. Considering that the following day was April 1st (April Fools Day), many students thought it might be a prank. The Cub hub pulled student on the events of the black out and the pranks they pulled or experienced on April 1st. Here are the responses.  

While 5% of those polled said they screamed when the lights went out, most (58%) said they were fine and 14% said they thought it was a prank. 

With no power and no internet, many students said they talked with fiends, or did things like crossword puzzles during the power outage. Some said their work was on paper and so their class was not effected, while others work on their chrome books, having them run on battery power, to light up their classrooms. 

Most of Central Middle School's student like April Fools Day with 58% of them saying they like pranking others and being pranked themselves. But only 37% of students said they pranked anyone this year. Here are some of the pranks they pulled. 

Kareli Carrera, a 7th grader, says she likes to call home and pretend she got in trouble at school.

Hector Ramirez, 8th grade, pranked his dad by telling his there was a coin in a water bottle then squeezed it. 

But don't mess with Chanel Camargo in 6th grade who cracked an egg on her sister's head!

Teachers got in on some pranks too, with 42% of student's reporting that a teacher tried to prank them, but only 37% said they were fooled. 

Yahir Alva in 6th grade reported that Mr. Gaughan assigned them a college level math sheet.

Valencia Villanueva, 6th grade, said that Ms. Hamilton told her classes they were having a test, but they weren't.

and Denise Hernandez-Garcia, 6th grade, said that Ms Vontz told her classes her fiancĂ© had broken up with her. Don't worry, Ms Vontz is still engaged. 

In 7th grade, Victoria Viveros-Silva reported that Mr. Franis "pranked us by pouring water and breaking a student's phone. Turned out it was his old phone."

Azia Andrea Kinsky, 7th grade, reported that in Mr Resovich's class "we were playing bingo with jellybeans and he put bean boozled jellybeans in the bag." (Also pulled by Mrs. George in her classes too).

No pranks were reported from any eighth grade teachers, so that might be the only safe classes to attend next year.

Central Figures
The People that Make Central Middle School Great!

Mr. Sweatt - by Carlos Reyes
Mr. Sweatt is the choir teacher at Central Middle School. Originally from De Soto Kansas, he has been teaching at Central for two years. He loves to teach music and to see kids become successful. One of is biggest pieces of advice for students is to “Just work. It's so hard, it's simple”. However one part of his job he does not like is the amount of unnecessary paperwork the job brings.

When not at school he is powerlifting. his highest deadlift is 405 pounds, his highest squat record is 335 pounds and finally, his highest bench press is 235 pounds.

If Mr Sweatt had not gone into education he would have gone into sales. Something unique about Mr Sweatt was that he was born with a cliff pallet.

Ms. Sweatt's Favorite Things
Color: Blue 
Animal: Dog
Food: Orange Chicken
Desert: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Movie: Air Force One
Book: Harry Potter Series 

Ms McPherson - by Walter Rosa

Ms McPherson and she is the theater teacher at Central Middle and has been here for two years. She is originally from Oklahoma and her family consists of are Zoey, Murphy, Chester and Kody.

Ms McPherson got her job as a theater teacher because her parents were teachers and she loves theater! 
She says acting and being with students are her favorite part of her job, but she doesn't like having to wake up early for work. 

When she's not at work, she likes to travel, play with her dogs, and listen to music. If Ms. McPherson wasn’t a theater teacher she would have liked to be a musician. Something that makes her unusual is that she lived in Australia once. Ms McPherson's advice to students would be to "Do what you like to do, love yourself and if there is something to do in life, don’t let other people say you can’t do it!"

Ms McPherson Favorites:
Color: Brown
Animal: Horse
Food: Cheese
Desert: Key Lime Pie
Movie: Encanto
Book: A Return to Love

Students of the Month
Mileidy Medina, Keiyshia Cortez, and Corbin Perez

6th Grade:
Corbin Perez-Respect/Responsibility AND Integrity.
Corbin is a joy to have in class. He always has a smile on his face and always does his best work! Corbin advocates for himself daily. He knows his limits and makes sure he alerts an adult when necessary. Corbin is a true representation of what we hope to see in every PRIDE Trait! Way to go Corbin.

7th Grade:
Keiysha Cortez-Determination and Respect/Responsibility.
Keiysha is always very active in class, ready to help any student that needs it, and very respectful to all. She has a very strong drive to learn and is happy to be in class. She's the kind of student that makes it easy to come to work each morning! This student is the most helpful student in my FA. She has been picking up the breakfast tub all year and is eager to do anything necessary to help with the success of having FA in someone else's classroom. I know Ms. Goodson speaks highly of her, too. Keiysha makes decisions based on how she can be helpful to others, much of the time. She is always well-mannered, kind, and helpful in the classroom. She is in a more challenging class and helps by making others more focused and engaged in learning in a variety of ways. One example: she was delivered her cub cash rewards which were all candy and expressed that she didn't like sweets. She shared it with others in class because she said that was the reward (sharing with others).

8th Grade:
Mileidy Medina Castenada-Engagement
Mileidy has just come from Honduras in Dec. 2021. She has only been here for a few weeks, but she has shown every single P.R.I.D.E trait listed. She has been determined to complete her work and learn English quickly. She stays on task and helps peers whenever she can. She is a wonderful addition to Central Middle School.

Principal of the Month

Mrs. Farney was chosen as principal of the Month by the district! 
Way to go Mrs. Farney!!

Movie Review- Better Nate Than Never
by Walter Rosa
Better Nate than Never is a movie on Disney+ that was released on April 1, 2022. The film stars Aria Brooks, Joshua Bassett, Michelle Federer, Ruby Wood, Norbert Leo Butz, and Lisa Kudrow.

The movie is about Thirteen-year-old Nate Foster who has a big Broadway dream. There’s only one problem, he can’t even land a part in the school play. When he hears about a broadway audition for a stage version of Disney's Lilo and Stich in New York, he and his best friend Libby go to try to make Nate's dream come true.

The movie is a comedy movie and a coming of age story.  I enjoyed the move and especially like the part where Nate earns money for a cellphone charger by performing in Times Square in New York and ends up going viral for his singing. 

I would recommend people to watch this movie because it shows how you should never give up on your dreams and with hard work, you can accomplish anything. I’m going to give this movie a 5 out of 5 stars. 

Looking Ahead

May Edition