
January Edition

New Year, New Central
By Erick Camino
With 2021 finally behind us, everyone hopes good things are in store for 2022. With the past few years being very difficult for many in the world, CBS News reports the number of people making resolutions this year is down to 29% from the usual 43% seen last year. But at Central Middle School over 64% of students said they did make a new years resolution this year.

The most common resolution among Central Middle School students was to improve their grades this year. Eighth-grader, Esteban Robles- Munoz said his goal is to “Have better grades and make it to college” and Angel Lopez, also of the eighth grade said to “passing middle school and moving on to high school.”.

Other popular goals included staying healthy, like Hector Salcido-Gomez, sixth-grader, who said “To be healthy and have a great year.” or to work on personal goals like seventh-grader Angela Davila-Guzman who said, “This year, I hope my volleyball skills improve with more and more practice.”

Resolutions can help people keep goals and stay motivated in the new year. Sixth-grader Denis Hernandez Garcia said “To reach your goal by the end of the year” and eighth-grader Samyami Pokhrel added, “People should make a new year's resolution because that helps them with a new start.”

So with all these positive reasons for making a new years resolution, why are so many people not making one this year? Some ideas include, “I think most people don't make New Year's Resolutions because they just forget about it.” said seventh-grader Ediel Mendez Cano. And then even if people make a resolution, not everyone keeps it. According to Discover Happy Habits, of the 41% of people who made resolutions last year, only 9% said they were successful in keeping them.

Some reasons for this include this possibility from seventh-grader Kimberly Hernandez - Gutierrez who said “People probably can't keep it or are probably too lazy to focus on their resolution”

Despite the hardships of the past two years, many Central Middle Schools Students are still looking to the future with these hopeful resolutions.

Some other resolutions we heard from Central Middle School students were;
“For humans to discover time travel.” 8th grade- Anthony Gonzalez
“To not have to wear masks in the future.” 7th grade- Julian Ramos Carmona
“NO COVID!” 6th grade- Adrian Rodriguez

C-M-S is G-R-E-A-T!

This year's Central Middle School spelling bee winner was sixth-grader Antonella Salas! She and runner-up Misty Vongboutdy went head-to-head for most of the bee when 3 of the 5 contestants were eliminated after the first round. The two girls went back and forth for eight rounds until Antonella finally won in the ninth round with the word 'Inconvenient'. Antonella will now get to represent Central Middle School at the district spelling bee. We know she'll be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

Central Figures
The People that Make Central Middle School Great!

Dr. Niboro - by Miah Garcia 

Dr. Niboro has been at Central for 15 years. He is originally from Nigeria but moved because he wanted to become a doctor. He has a wife, sister, brother, and children. Dr. Niboro says he would call himself "a very patient teacher", and he can't think of what job he would do if he wasn't a teacher. Dr. Niboro's advance to Central Middle School Student is to "have more respect." When not at school, Dr. Niboro spends most of his time with his son. He also enjoys running at 4 in the morning.

Dr. Niboro's Favorite Things
Color: Navy Blue
Animal: Tiger
Food: Healthy food
Desert: Dryers Cookies and Cream Ice Cream
Book: Any about Statistics

Mr. Resovich - by Carlos Reyes

One of the teachers new to Central Middle school this year is Mr. Resovich, a seventh-grade social
studies teacher. Mr. Resovich is a native of Kansas City and even has family members that have attended Central Middle School in the past.

Mr. Resovich went into teaching because he's always had a love for history and helping others to learn history in fun ways. He says he enjoys his job most when he sees students succeed at what they're doing. He doesn't like how society views teachers right now though and says if he wasn't a teacher, he would like to be a travel guide writing books on travel or maybe join the navy.

When not at school, Mr. Resovich likes to read, golf, go to the zoo with his son, travel, and go to sporting events. He says he has a talent for being able to quote a movie to almost any situation.

His advice to students at central middle school would be to "Pay attention! these are the easiest, busiest, quickest, and most important years of your life. Everything you do from here on out is built upon the foundation you're creating. Don't build a weak foundation. Do your work, pay attention, and better yourself!"

Mr. Resovich's Favorite Things
Color: Red
Animal: Elephant
Food: Pizza
Desert: French Silk Pie
Movie: Star Wars (Original), Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Top Gun
Books: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Lesson Before Dying, To Kill a Mockingbird, Night (by Eli Weisel), Hatchet

Officer Sanjora - By Walter Rosa

There is a new officer in CMS. Her name is Officer Marialexa Sanoja and she is the newest security guard appointed to Central Middle School. She is originally from Venezuela. The members of her family were 2 sisters, 2 brothers, 21 cousins, her mother, and her father. All the family members were pilots except Maria and she had a choice to be a pilot or an officer. She decided to be an officer. One thing that she liked about her job is that every day is a different day. 

Something that she doesn’t like about her job is arresting people, hopefully, she won’t be doing much of that here at the school. Things that she likes to do when not at work are, biking outside and doing self-defense. One thing that makes her unusual is that there aren't too many officers that speak Spanish, a talent that will surely benefit her here at Central Middle School. Her advice to Central Middle School students would be; “Do not smoke or vape, don’t do drugs, don’t take contraband, and don’t bring any weapons.”

Officer Sanjora's Favorite Things:
Color: Blue
Animal: Dogs and horses
Food: Pasta
Dessert: Tres Leche Cake
Movie: Million Dollar Baby
Book: The Traveler’s Gift

Movie Review
Encanto - By Karina Garcia

Encanto is one of the newest movies right now and has been getting a lot of attention. It was released in theaters on November 24, 2021, and on Disney Plus on December 24, 2021. The plot of Encanto is that there is a big family in Columbia, where each person has been given a special gift from a magical candle. These gifts are so they can help their town and help the environment. But one member, Mirabel, was never given a gift, a problem that the movie never explains why she was left out. Mirabel starts to notice problems with the magical house they live in and with her family as their gifts are failing under the emotional and physical strain to live up to the grandmother's expectations, leading to an actual breakdown of their magical house. It becomes Mirabel's mission to save the house and the magic in order to also save her family.

My opinion of Encanto is that it is overrated. Even though the soundtrack is good, with most of the songs being written by Lin-Manuel Miranda of Hamilton fame, I feel people don't really pay attention to the point of Encanto. There are many big questions that are never answered, like why Mirabel never got a gift like the rest of her family, or why the magic is suddenly fading now. While the music is great, the animation is brilliant, and you won't be able to get "We Don't Talk About Bruno" out of your head for weeks, the overall story has some big holes in the plot that many people seem to overlook because of the soundtrack. Overall the movie was good but does not deserve all the attention it is getting.

Students of the Month
Adrian Covarrubias, Dariel Rodriguez, and Zin Wah

6th Grade:
Adrian Covarrubias for Respect/Responsibility

Adrian has been engaged during class and shown responsibility by always being on time and ready for class. When he arrives, he begins his Do Now and is volunteering to answer questions during our class discussions. Adrian has shown leadership in his small group by assisting his group members and keeping them focused. He is pleasant and greets staff members in the hallways as well as when entering the classroom. Adrian is an awesome student!

7th Grade:
Dariel Rodriguez-Gaytan for Integrity

Dariel has straight A's; in fact, his lowest grade is a 94%; but I am nominating him for his consistent and unfailing kindness to EVERYONE. He is a gentleman and always humble. Dariel is a great student who is always happy to engage in a class by helping another student or answering questions. He has high marks in all his classes and considers his lowest score of 94% to be "disappointing" He is a very social person who makes friends with anyone and is just a great kid to get to know. He sometimes flies under the radar because he is quiet and unassuming, but he deserves this honor.

8th Grade:
Zin Wah-Engagement

Zin comes to my class every single day, ready to learn, and always tries his best, regardless of the difficulty of the task. For example, we were learning a 3-part song: Betelehemu in a foreign language. This was the first time that the baritones had to sing their own part. He rose to the challenge, learned the notes, and performed it with confidence. Zin is also very reflective and aware of what happens in class. He often makes suggestions on how we can improve our efficiency and get more work done.

Looking Ahead

May Edition