
November Edition

 Pies Fly at Central

By Alyssa Resh

Recently Central Middle School had an opportunity to help others and it was delicious!

Students were asked to raise money for the United Way, an organization designed to help families in need. Students brought in money as a method to vote for the teachers that they most wanted to see get a pie in the face. The “winners” were Dr. Birrell, Ms. Hamilton, and Ms. Doakes. 

During a prep assembly on November 3, the three lucky staff members were pied in the face by students who had perfect attendance. 

Dr. Birrell, who had the honor of raising the most money, said it felt like “a nerf ball to the face” and while he didn’t really volunteer for this honor, he said he would do it again. Ms. Hamilton enjoyed her pie-in-the-face experience until she found out it had gotten in her hair. But she too said she would do it again.

Central Middle School raised $1,600.59 for local families, the most of any KCK school participating in the fundraiser. When Ms. Taylor, the organizer of the event was asked why pies in the face of teachers were used to encourage students to raise the money, she responded with “pie not”  

Movie Review

The Eternals (PG-13) by Karina Perez Garcia

Marvel’s newest film, The Eternals, was released on November 5 and while the film makes a great impression and the cast is very inclusive, the story doesn’t hold up to the hype. 

The Eternals are just what it sounds like, a group of superheroes that have been living on the earth for thousands of years and can’t die. They only use their gifts to save the earth if threatened by monsters.  But their own existence is a mystery even to them. They must go on a journey to discover what has caused their own immortality and try to save earth in the meantime. 

I watched this movie to see Salma Hayek as the first Hispanic Marvel superhero, but the movie sadly doesn’t live up to other Marvels films. The movie is too long and the story drags in too many places. The writers seemed to forget what the main plot was from time to time and caused characters to go off on random side plots. 

I would recommend this movie only for those up for a long film and will disappoint even the most devoted die-hard marvel fan.  The Eternals will be available on Disney+ on January 12.

Central Figures
The People that Make Central Middle School Great!

Ms. Brown - By Erick Regalado-Camino

Ms. Brown, one of the seventh-grade math teachers, has been with Central Middle school for three years. She became a teacher to be a part of a new future, but if he hadn’t become a teacher, she would have been an engineer. 

When not at school, she likes to hang out with her friends and family, which now consists of her new husband who brought their blue Corvette to a recent meeting of the Car Club.  She has also lived in 5 different countries all over the world and has even gone skydiving. 

Her advice to Central Middle School students is to; “Prepare yourself for what is ahead” 

Ms. Brown's Favorites;

Color: Blue

Animal: Bear

Food: Curry

Desert: Icecream

Movie: Dead Poet’s Society

Book: The Bible 

Ms. Doakes - By Walter Ruano Rosa

Ms. Doakes is a veteran of Central Middle School, she has been here for 5 years. She was originally from Kansas City Mo and became a teacher to help people, despite becoming a nurse. Since she is an 8th-grade math teacher it makes sense that if she were to leave education she would be an accountant or something to do with math.

When not at school, she likes to spend time with friends and her son. She likes to watch TV and do self-defense. Something that makes her unique is that she plays the bass and the cello and her first name, Terray, was completely made up.

While she likes math she doesn’t like paperwork or data. She does however like her students and the best advice that she would give them is to prepare for high school with lots of activities.

Ms. Doakes Favorites; 
Color: Maroon
Animal: Lion
Food: Pizza, Tamales, Spaghetti, and Tacos
Dessert: Oreo, Strawberry Cheesecake
Movie: The Harry Potter Movies
Book: The Harry Potter Books

Ms. Taylor - By Daniel Perez

Miss Taylor is a staff member at Central Middle School dedicated to helping people. She has been here for 4 years, and was originally from California. Miss Taylor has twin brothers and a mom and dad.

The reason why she got a job in education is that she loves to help people. She likes everything about her job except lunch duty. Miss Taylor wants to tell kids to “always set goals and live your best life.”

When not at school, she likes to binge-watch her favorite shows. If she hadn’t gotten a job at education she would have been a full-time foster parent.

Ms. Taylor's Favorite; 

Color: Clear
Animal: Dogs
Food: Chile with hot sauce and tacos salad
Desert: Reese's peanut butter
Movie: Goodfellas and Pulp Fiction
Book: Brown Bear Brown Bear

Student's of the Month

Yesenia Torres, Chris Alvarenga, and Misty Vonboudty

6th Grade:
Misty Vonboudty-Determination
Misty Vonboudty for Determination. Misty is an amazing student! She participates in class, completes all assignments on time, and is willing to help her peers who are struggling. She is very determined to do her very best all the time!

7th Grade:
Yesenia Torres-Respect and Responsibility

I have had Yesenia for two years now and she has always been a shining example of Respect and Responsibility. She is often asked to help me with tasks in the classroom because I know I can trust her to do them, on top of her other work. Whenever we have a new student in class or someone who is just struggling to stay on task or understand a new concept, she is my go-to student. If Yesenia misses a day, which is rare, she will always inquire about missing work and do what is necessary to get caught up. I can't think of a better student than Yesenia Torres for the student of the month.

8th Grade:
Chris Alvarenga-Determination

Chris always does his work at a very high level, along with him having the utmost respect/attitude in class. Never have I ever had to redirect or correct his behavior.

By Zully Cano

By Hector Ramirez

By Alyssa Resh

Looking Ahead

May Edition