
October Edition

TikTok Trend Cause Havoc at Central
By Ashley Pinto and Binisha Khadka

Students around the world were inspired by a Tik Tok video of a new trend encouraging students to destroy and vandalize school property. This trend has also spread to Central Middle School when people started vandalizing the school's bathroom.

In some restrooms, soap dispensers were taken and broken. School stalls were also vandalized by being carved with swear words and graffiti. After the incidents, school-wide consequences were issued, resulting in limited bathroom usage, some bathrooms were shut down, and bathroom stall locks were taken out.

Suspensions and parent conferences were issued for those students who were reported to the administration.

“It has caused a lot of stress on everyone”, says Principal Ileana Farney.

Unfortunately, it was the few who ruined it for the many as a recent poll revealed that while 88% of students knew of the trend, only 11% witnessed it being committed. Most students, 86%, called it dumb with 43% calling it bad, and only 10% said it was cool.

Some anonymous responses from students on the trend included;

“It's honestly dumb because the anonymous people that are causing it are making other people not get to have or use stuff cause it's getting taken away.” said one 7th grader.

“It's just weird why would you want stuff from school just to get famous” reported a sixth-grader

And an 8th grader summed it up best with “TIK TOK IS CRINGE”.

Thankfully it seems that the trend has passed and most restrooms are back opened and student restroom passes are no longer limited. “ I want to remind students every choice has consequences.” Principal Farney said. Hopefully, we’ve learned the cost one person’s actions can have on the rest of us.

Fall Sports bring Pride to Central
By Alyssa Resh, Ashley Pinto, and Carlos Reyes

Fall Sports have signaled a return to normalcy after a year without sports due to the Covid-19 pandemic and remote learning. Between the runners who placed at Cross Country, the Volleyball team making personal growth on the court, and the Football team ending the season undefeated, Central Middle school has a lot to be proud of.
Cross Country

The cross country team ran like there was no tomorrow at their meets this fall. No one gave up, no one stopped, everyone kept going as they endeavor to win and push themselves to the limit. Each team member worked to improve each time they ran and six runners would improve to make the top six places over the course of 5 meets.

“It was impressive how they could hold up in that heat without stopping or taking any breaks” said
Erin Jean Stryka a fan at the meet.

The following racers placed 6th or higher over the course of their season.

Charlotte Reno- 6th grade  
Angel Salazar -6th grade
Vanessa Ayala- 6th grade
Yaritizi Gomez Villigas 6th grade
Dennyse Becerra – 7th grade
Jazmin Rodriguez- 7th grade


The volleyball games lead to a lot of opportunities for both the school, students and the teams. It lead the girls in the team to find a new hobby and making new friendships. It also gave them a chance to go on a trip to the University of Missouri in Kansas City campus to watch the Roos play a full, 5 game match against South Dakota.

“The girls had a great afternoon visiting the campus, watching collegiate level competitive volleyball.” said Coach Brady

Despite a handful of losses the team definitely improved. A highlight of the volleyball season was the win over Rosedale which was a great time for both the team, coaches and school students that were there.


This year's football season saw the Central Bear Cubs having a near perfect season, winning all but one game. They had a very good start and that momentum carried them to win after win, all thanks to their amazing coaches and working as a team, putting all their effort into each game and lead to one of the best season the Bear Cubs have played in over fifteen years.

Some star players that had the highest amount of points scored were, MyTerrion Hill, Alejandro Alejandre and Angel Bolivar; who left his mark by leading the team in tackles against the opposing team Sumner who the Bears Cubs beat 26-6.

Unfortunately the Bear Cubs winning streak ended on their last game where they were beaten by Eisenhower 42 to 6. 

"They played with a lot of heart and discipline" said coach Resovich after the game. 

Despite this loss, the Bear Cubs should be proud of their season and look forward to starting strong next year. 

Central Figures
The People that Make Central Middle School Great!

Mr. Gaughan - By Karina Perez 

Mr. Gaughan is a teacher at central middle school. He has been at Central around 26 or 28 years, long enough that he doesn’t remember how long exactly. He teaches 6th and 7th grade math on the third floor. Mr. Gaughan is originally from Fairway Kansas which is about 20m away. He has two sons, a wife and a dog. He came from a family of 5 girls and him.

Mr. Gaughan likes coming to work every day and having a new experience every day. His favorite colors are red and blue and his favorite animals are horses. 

Mr. Gaughan’s favorites:
Foods: fried chicken, spaghetti, and burgers
Dessert: ice cream
Movie: Gone like the Wind 
Book: Hamlet

Ms. Imperiale - By Daniel Perez 

One of the newest staff members this year is Ms. Imperiale. Ms. Imperiale is originally from Puerto Rico. She became a teacher because of a demand for teachers in the 1990s when her husband told her to become a teacher to make some money. And while she loves her students, she could pass on lesson planning.

In her free time outside of school, she likes to go hiking, gardening, and cooking. She can also dance and play the flute. She has a husband and two sons.

Her advice to central middle school students would be “Study hard, do your homework, education is really the only way to come out of misery.”
Ms. Imperiale's Favorites:
Color: Orange
Animal: dogs and cats
Food: Mediterranean
Movie: Mad Mad World
Book: The Bible

Nurse Bree - By Erick Regalado-Camino 

Students at Central Middle School have been under the care of Nurse Bree for longer than most of the current students have been alive. Nurse Bree has been the medical professional for all of Central Middle school's aches and pains for the past 14 years. 

A native from Kansas, she took a job in education because “I love middle school children because they make me laugh” But doesn’t like having to get up each morning.

When not healing the students she can be found in her garden, collected seeds is a hobby of hers, and talking with her chicken. Or she can be found burning rubber riding her motorcycle.

If she wasn’t a nurse at our middle school she would a journalist.

Her biggest advice for middle schoolers would be; “That friends are very very important and to value your friends and family”

Movie Review

Free Guy (PG-13) by Walter Ruano Rosa

Have you ever wondered what computer characters do when you're not playing the game? In the movie Free Guy we meet Guy, played by Ryan Reynolds, who is an NPC, or an Non-Player Character. Guy goes around doing the same routine everyday until he meets a girl. This girl, played by Jodie Comer, is a player in the video game Guy lives in. Once Guy meets her, he is determined to become a hero in the game to get her attention. The only problem is he doesn’t know he’s not real, and his game is being threatened from the outside world. Guy must find a way to get the girl, save the world, and prove he is more than his programing.

I liked this movie because it's about video game worlds and it is full of funny moments. One of my favorite moments was when Guy uses some tools borrowed from the Avengers and Star Wars to save the day. There are a lot of fun easter eggs to watch for in this film.

Anyone who likes video games should watch this movie for the funny gamer jokes, but even people who don’t play video games will like watching Guy try to get the girl.

I would give this 4 stars for the comedy and inside jokes, but take one off for over the top romance of the story.

Students of the Month

Amira Vanbery, Chris Reno, and Jazmin Rodriguez
Amira Vanberg, Chris Reno, and Jazmin Rodriguez

6th Grade:
Amira Vanberg-Engagement
Amira exemplifies all the PRIDE traits. She is a hardworking student who goes above and beyond at being a part of a class and completing her work.

7th Grade:
Jazmin Rodriguez-Engagement
Jazmin has straight A’s,; in fact, she has 100% in five of her classes. She is in cross-country and is very popular with her peers. She is happy and respectful every day. She checks every box and deserves this honor.

8th Grade:
Chris Reno-Respect, Responsibility and Perseverance
Respect and Responsibility are only two words that describe this young man in classes, he is also being nominated for Perseverance. Christopher does everything he can to get the task done. His hard work and creativity on how to get his team to work complete the whole person of who he is. He is always striving to get the best out of students and is willing to do whatever it takes to "go for the gold!"


by: Azul Ramirez

by: Stacie Murillo

by: Kadyn McNeary and Miah Moran Garcia

by: Carlos Ulloa

Looking Ahead

May Edition