
May Edition

New Principal Announced for Central

Central Middle School will be under new leadership for the 2024-2025 school year. The search for a new principal began after current principal Dr. Farney announced her plans to retire after the end of this year. The new principal will be Mr. Brian Dolezal. 

Mr. Dolezal has been in the district for nearly 24 years, spending the last 8 years at Sumner Academy as an assistant principal. When Dr. Farney announced she would be leaving Central, it seamed like the perfect opportunity for Mr. Dolezal. 

"I wanted to stay in the district. After being an assistant principal for 8 years, it was time to step up and Central had an opening. I look forward to the challenge and opportunity here."

Originally from Ellsworth Kansas, Mr Dolezal went to Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. He got his first teaching job at Wyandotte High School where he taught for 11 years. 

"I look forward  to building strong relationships with the kids and learning from them." said Mr Dolezal. "I have an open door policy. I look forward to serving this community."

Families and students can meet Mr. Dolezal during Family Advisory Days on August 12 and 13 before the next school year begins. 

Solar Eclipse passes over CMS

(Eclipse photo taken by Mrs. Linstrom with her very impressive camera.) 

Central Middle School students looked to the skies on April 8, as a partial solar eclipse crossed the sky. Students were provided with solar glasses to be able to watch the eclipse safely. Shortly after lunch, all Central Middle School students went outside to observe the peak of the eclipse. Of the students that were able to go out and see the eclipse, most (61%) said it was an okay experience. 30% said it was cool, and only 9% said it was awesome. 

This was the second eclipse for many of students, the last one that was visible from Kansas City was in August of 2017. Nearly 45% of the students said they did remember seeing the past eclipse. The next total solar eclipse that will be visible from Kansas will be on August 12, 2045. 22% of Central Middle students said they would absolutely be going out to see the next eclipse, while most of them, 68% said they would see it if they could. Only 10% said they would be passing on future eclipses. 

Students were asked what they thought of the eclipse. Here are some responses.

"I thought it was pretty cool and I haven’t to see it in a long time so it was a good experience." said Emma Alvarez, 6th grader.

"It was cool, I kinda liked it. It would’ve been cooler if it got darker." said Yazmin Arambula, 7th grader.
"It was great! It’s something not everyone can experience and I’m lucky I could." said Darica Krulic, 8th grader.

CMS Athletes Spring into Action

Spring sports at Central Middle school are always exciting. From the basketball, to soccer and track the spring athletes at Central gave it there all this year! Great job to all teams! 

Boys Basketball

Girls Soccer

Boys Soccer


The 2023-2024 School Year Wraps Up

Another year has nearly come to an end at Central Middle School. There have been many great moment and memories to look back on as the students of CMS reflect on the 2023-2024 year. 

When asked to look back and tell us what was the best part of the year, over 83% of students said it was being with friends. School activities took second place with 36% reporting them to be the best. No surprise that being in classes came in last. 

Students were asked to share their reflections on the past year. Here are their responses. 

What was your favorite memory from this year?

"Probably getting called in the honor roll assembly, I was happy." said Mayra Padilla, 6th grade

"Having Mr. Gaughan as my math teacher. " said Alexander Flores, 6th grade

"The dance we had before winter break!" said Janeth Avalos, 6th grade

"The field trips and dances" said Anthony Nava, 7th grade

"School being closed because of the snow and blizzards." said Jessy Rodriguez, 7th grade

"My favorite memory of the year was probably the choir festival I had in choir with other middle schoolers." said Kate Tellez, 7th grade

"The dance and chiefs filed trip." said Robson Mendez, 8th grade

"Cheering at the basketball games." said, Carter Ellis, 8th grade

"Meeting new people and having new relationships." said Analyce Sandoval, 8th grade

What will you miss most from this year?

"My friends that I won’t be in contact with over the summer." said Kasie Marion, 6th grade

"Playing in orchestra and trying out new songs." said Dalilah Molina, 6th grade

"Being with my favorite teachers." said Daril Osuna, 7th grade

"Basketball and some of my friends." said Zamari Demoss, 7th grade

"I’m going to miss middle school." said Cecilia Outlaw, 8th grade
"Soccer season." said Maxwell Contreras, 8th grade

What do you look forward to next year?

"The different classes I can get into." said, Yanori Medina, 6th grade

"Being able to do cheerleading." said Gracelyn Scherer, 6th grade 

"Seeing my friends and going to new field trips and also having nice teachers." said Sara Cruz Castillo, 7th grade

"Being the oldest in the school." said Anjali Ghimirey, 7th grade

"Learn more about myself and increase my learning skills." said Kemberly Rodriguez, 8th grade

"High school!" said David Marquez, 8th grade

Future 6th Grades Tour Central

Each year,  a few eight grade students are selected to be school leaders and serve on the Cub Crew. Among their responsibilities are helping new students and that includes the fifth grade students that will come to Central as next years 6th graders. The Cub Crew members gave the new students a tour of the school, introduced them to important staff members, and gave them a preview of what life as a middle schooler will be like. 

CMS Shows Their Dance Moves

Central Middle was visited by the dancing group, Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey, on April 18. CMS was one of only two schools in the district to be selected to see the group perform. Several dancers from the group performed modern and contemporary dances before asking for students to join them on stage and learn a dance to preform with them. 

A dance camp will be hosted by Friends of Alvin Ailey this summer. Registration is now open and spaces are limited. Click the link for more information and to register.

Looking Forward

August 12-13 - Family Advisory Days
August 14 - First Day of school for grades K-5, 6, and 9
August 15 - First Day of school for all other grades

May Edition